
The Ethereum Alarm Clock thrives on a diverse, strong, and active community. This collective effort is essential for driving the success of the project. By harnessing the shared intelligence and expanding network within the community, we can accelerate the adoption of Ethereum Alarm Clock-connected smart contracts across various industries worldwide. Every community member plays a crucial role in this journey, whether through creating engaging content, participating in thoughtful discussions, or providing constructive feedback. The goal is to foster open dialogue across all platforms.

Our community is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment where people can interact, contribute, advocate, and learn. This Code of Conduct outlines the expected behavior within our community, both in public forums and in one-on-one interactions. It applies to everyone who is affiliated with, participates in, or represents the Ethereum Alarm Clock project, whether officially or informally.

This Code of Conduct is applicable in all community spaces and in any situation where an individual is representing the community in public. This includes roles such as Ambassadors, Advocates, and other defined community positions.

It’s important to note that this Code of Conduct is not a rulebook but a guide to maintaining a collaborative and respectful environment. We encourage everyone to follow it in both spirit and action.

Our Commitment to the Community

We are dedicated to fostering an open, welcoming, and diverse community. This means that every member, contributor, and leader should strive to create a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, gender identity, experience level, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Any behavior that contradicts this spirit of inclusivity and respect is unacceptable. Such actions will be subject to disciplinary measures as outlined in the Community Impact and Enforcement Guidelines attached to this Code of Conduct.

Community Standards

Here are some examples of behavior that contribute to a positive environment in our community:

  • Prioritizing education and continuous learning for both ourselves and the community.
  • Showing empathy and kindness toward others.
  • Respecting different opinions, viewpoints, and experiences.
  • Giving and receiving constructive feedback gracefully.
  • Taking responsibility for our mistakes, apologizing to those affected, and learning from the experience.
  • Focusing on what’s best for the community as a whole, not just individual interests.

Conversely, here are examples of unacceptable behavior:

  • Using sexualized language or imagery, or making sexual advances.
  • Engaging in trolling, insults, or personal and political attacks.
  • Harassing others, whether publicly or privately.
  • Sharing private information without explicit consent.
  • Discussing token prices or giving financial advice.
  • Engaging in any behavior that would be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.


Community Leaders, including Ambassadors, Advocates, and moderators, are responsible for enforcing our community standards. They are tasked with taking appropriate action against behavior that is deemed inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. Leaders will adhere to the Community Impact and Enforcement Guidelines to ensure fair and consistent enforcement.

Leaders have the authority to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that do not align with this Code of Conduct. They will provide explanations for moderation decisions when appropriate.

If you experience or witness abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior, it can be reported to the Community Leaders or via email at [email protected]. All reports will be handled with respect for the privacy and security of those involved.

Community Impact and Enforcement Guidelines

Community Leaders will follow these guidelines to determine the consequences for actions that violate this Code of Conduct:

  1. Correction
    • Impact: A single instance of inappropriate language or unprofessional behavior.
    • Consequence: The post will be removed, and the individual will be informed about the violation and how to avoid it in the future.
  2. Warning
    • Impact: A violation involving a single incident or a series of actions.
    • Consequence: A warning will be issued with consequences for continued behavior. This includes no interaction with the people involved for a specified period. Violating these terms may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
  3. Temporary Ban
    • Impact: A serious violation of community standards.
    • Consequence: A temporary ban from community interaction. Violating this ban may lead to a permanent ban.
  4. Permanent Ban
    • Impact: Repeated violations, including sustained inappropriate behavior or harassment.
    • Consequence: Permanent removal from the community. If the individual has alternate accounts, those may also be removed.